- 1098-T Forms Available Online
The 1098-T forms for 2024 have been posted online. Forms will not be mailed.
They are available via your MyUCSC account:
MyUCSC > My Account $ > 1098-T Tax Form
You may also click HERE for detailed instructions on how to access your form.
Please go to the 1098T - Tax Information section on our SBS website for more information and answers to questions about the form
Phone system currently down
Our phone system is experiencing technical difficulties today, 9/26. Please send an email to sbs@ucsc.edu for assistance
UCSC Student Financial Agreement:
Students will be assigned a Task in MyUCSC to complete the UCSC Student Financial Agreement starting today.
The UCSC Student Financial Agreement (SFA) provides important information regarding the financial policies that are associated with enrollment at UCSC. It is important for you to understand and acknowledge your financial responsibility when it comes to your student account.Our goal is to help you understand the cost of your education and provide transparency about relevant policies and requirements. For further information about the SFA, please review the UCSC Student Financial Agreement FAQs-
Fall Quarter Billing:
Bill Available: August 28th
Bill Due: September 18th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
Financial Service Center - No in person hours
The Financial Service Center will not have in person hours this afternoon, but can be reached via phone at 831-459-2107 and via email at sbs@ucsc.edu. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
There is a widespread email scam that is targeting UCSC students by offering a fake job, putting them at financial and legal risk. For additional information about this scam, visit the ITS page on Student Job Offer Scams.
Update on UCSC Check Refunds
Earlier today you received an email stating you would be getting a refund check from UCSC.
Unfortunately due to a technical issue with the refund processing checks were not able to be
completed. Student Business Services is working to correct the issue so refunds can be
reprocessed on Friday 01/05/24.
For students with direct deposit set up prior to Friday's refunding, refunds will be sent directly to
your bank account and are usually received within 24-48 hours.
For students with no direct deposit set up, checks will be issued and mailed out to your address
listed in MyUCSC and can take up to 7-10 days to receive.
To make sure you receive your refund quickly we encourage everyone to sign up for direct
deposit and make sure your Mailing Address is up to date in MyUCSC.
We apologize for the delay. For questions or concerns please contact Student Business
Services at sbs@ucsc.edu or (831) 459-2107.- UCSA and UCGPC Fees are posted to your account for Fall/Winter/Spring terms. For more information on these fees, and how to opt out and deadlines see Registrar/Fees/Student Fees.
Fall Quarter Billing:
Bill Available: August 30th
Bill Due: September 20th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
Fall Bill will be Available on 8/30/23
The fall bill will be accessible on August 30, 2023. Notifications will be sent upon availability.
- 1098-T Forms Available Online
The 1098-T forms for 2022 have been posted online. Forms will not be mailed.
They are available via your MyUCSC account:
MyUCSC > My Account $ > 1098-T Tax Form
You may also click HERE for detailed instructions on how to access your form.
Please go to the 1098T - Tax Information section on our SBS website for more information and answers to questions about the form
Currently no phone service - SBS Financial Service Center
Due to technical difficulties, the SBS Financial Service Center is currently unable to answer phone calls. We will resume normal services once the issues are resolved. Phone calls and emails will be answered in the order they were received.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Limited Services - SBS Financial Service Center from 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
The SBS Financial Service Center will have limited services on Monday, 12/5 due to staff training. We will resume normal services following. Emails will be answered in the order they were received.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Fall Quarter Billing:
Bill Available: August 29th
Bill Due: September 14th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
SBS Financial Service Center Closed To Walk-In Hours
The SBS Financial Service Center will be closed to walk-ins on Wednesday, 5/25. We will still be available via phone/email, and payments can always be dropped in the 24-hour depository located outside the building.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Limited services due to power outage
Due to a current power outage on campus, SBS has limited services available. Normal operations will resume once power is restored.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
- 1098-T Forms Available Online
The 1098-T forms for 2021 have been posted online. Forms will not be mailed.
They are available via your MyUCSC account:
MyUCSC > My Account $ > 1098-T Tax Form
You may also click HERE for detailed instructions on how to access your form.
Please go to the 1098T - Tax Information section on our SBS website for more information and answers to questions about the form.
The Campus and our office is now closed for Winter Break. Campus and our office will reopen on January 3rd, 2022.
Phones will not be answered and email will not be checked during this time.
Winter Quarter Financial Aid is set to disburse to student accounts on December 28th. Refunds will be processed on December 29th, however, any paper check refunds will not be mailed until our return in January.
Please check your Student Center and review your account over Winter Break to ensure you do not miss anything important before your return.
Tuition Deferred Payment Plan Billing Issue
We realize that there was an issue with the billing for our Winter Quarter Tuition Deferred Payment Plan, causing two installments to be billed with the same due date of 12/15/21. You will receive an email from us shortly if your account was involved.
Please note that there will be no adverse consequences for those affected.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
SBS Financial Service Center Closed To Walk-In Hours
The SBS Financial Service Center will be closed to walk-ins on Monday, 11/29. We will still be available via phone/email, and payments can be always be dropped in the 24-hour depository located outside the building.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Potential Student Loan Spam Call Alert
Several UCSC students/staff have reported receiving phone calls about their “prequalified” federal student loan status potentially being rescinded. While loan servicers may be currently reaching out to borrowers due to certain Covid-19 related federal protections expiring soon, some of these call recipients report having not having student loans in the first place.
For information on how to contact your specific student loan servicer directly for details about your loan, please refer to our loans webpage. You may also refer to the Financial Aid webpage at financialaid.ucsc.edu and your MyUCSC to-do list at my.ucsc.edu for information about your pending student loans.
To protect yourself from phone scams, follow these tips from the Federal Trade Commission. If possible, block the number that called you, and refer to your phone carrier on how to report the incident.
Financial Service Center Closed to Walk-ins
The Financial Service Center will be closed from 1-4pm today, but will be available via phone: (831) 459-2107 and email: sbs@ucsc.edu
We apologize for any inconvenience.
SBS Unavailable Via Phone from 1:30 pm - 3 pm
Student Business Services will be unavailable via phone from 1:30 pm to 3 pm on 9/1/21. Emails will be answered in the order they are received.
Fall Quarter Billing:
Bill Available: August 27th
Bill Due: September 16th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
Spam Email Alert
UCSC students are being targeted with spam emails that imitate official UCSC emails. UCSC has not sent any communications encouraging private student loan options. For correct billing information and loan options, always go directly to sbs.ucsc.edu and financialaid.ucsc.edu.
Do not click on any links in these spam emails. To stay secure and avoid phishing emails, please follow these tips from ITS. If you are a recipient of these spam emails, please report the incident to ITS and to Google by following the steps on the ITS page linked above.
New Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) Funds
The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), signed into law in late December, provided our campus with funds to mitigate the financial impact of the pandemic on the university and its students. Our Financial Aid and Scholarships Office will directly award a portion of the CRRSAA funding to graduate and undergraduate students with exceptional need to help with expenses related to COVID-19 including tuition, housing, food, health care (including mental health care), and child care.
Financial aid grants will be directly awarded to graduate and undergraduate students who demonstrate exceptional need, for example very low expected family contribution levels or student parents with dependent children. Determinations will be made based on existing financial aid information. In most cases, additional applications or requests will not be necessary. Graduate students who appear eligible based on prior financial aid information but who did not complete an application this year will receive information by email on how to file a Declaration of Exceptional Need to confirm eligibility, a new requirement due to changes in this round of higher education relief funds.
For questions about eligibility please contact the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office at: finaid@ucsc.edu
Students that have been identified for an award will be issued a refund through their MyUCSC student account.
Direct deposit is the easiest way to receive refunds. If no direct deposit information is set up on a student’s account, or the information is inaccurate, then a check will be mailed to the mailing address listed. If checks are not cashed with 90 days of the check date then funds will be resent to the permanent address listed on the student account. If there are any questions please contact SBS at sbs@ucsc.edu or Financial Aid at finaid@ucsc.edu.
Information on how to update your Direct Deposit or mailing address can be found here:
Sign up for Direct Deposit
Financial aid is disbursing March 22nd, be sure to sign up for direct deposit to prevent refunding delays. Go to MyUCSC> My Account $> Sign up for Direct Deposit to sign up today!
SBS Unavailable Via Phone from 9 am - 12 pm
Student Business Services will be unavailable via phone from 9 am to 12 pm on 1/29/21. Emails will be answered in the order they are received.
- 1098-T Forms Available Online
The 1098-T forms for 2020 have been posted online. Forms will not be mailed.
They are available via your MyUCSC account:
MyUCSC > My Account $ > 1098-T Tax Form
You may also click HERE for detailed instructions on how to access your form.
Please go to the 1098T - Tax Information section on our SBS website for more information and answers to questions about the form.
UCSC eBill/ePay New User Interface
Starting today (1/20/2021), the UCSC eBill/ePay site will have a new look and feel. The pages are streamlined and using the updated site should be much more intuitive. Our documentation on our website is being updated to reflect the change.
SBS Holiday Staffing
To promote the health and well-being of our staff and honor time-off commitments already made, Student Business Services is encouraging staff usage of accrued vacation. Service levels and turnaround times may be moderately reduced from Monday, December 21 through Wednesday, December 23. Resources will be available 12/21 - 12/23 to address any urgent situations.
Student Business Services will be closed as usual during the campus curtailment period from 12/24/20 - 1/3/21.
Hoping everyone has a healthy and restful winter break.SBS will be using the Student Security Passphrase to verify students' identities
Per the recent announcement from the Office of the Registrar, Student Business Services will be adopting the 'Security Passphrase' as the primary method of student identity verification in order to protect your personal/private information, before discussing your account with you.
-Upon contacting our office, we will ask you for your student ID and your passphrase.
-If you have not set your passphrase, or cannot remember it, please follow these instructions:
Log in to MyUCSC.
Select the Set My Security Passphrase tile on your Student Homepage.
Follow the instructions on the page to enter or update your passphrase, then select Save.
The security passphrase is intended to protect your privacy and is for STUDENTS ONLY. Do not share it with anyone (including a parent or guardian) and do not include it in emails or chat.
529 Savings Plan Payments via UCSC eBill/ePay
529 Savings Plan Payments can now be made via the UCSC eBill/ePay site.
Select the option to link to a 529 Savings Plan account when you make a payment when you select your payment method. Not all 529 payment plans are available for electronic payments. Once accounts have been linked/used to make a payment, they will show as a saved payment method for future use.
The person logged into UCSC eBill/ePay must also be able to log into the 529 Savings Plan account in order to use this method. Make sure that anyone who wants to pay toward the account at UCSC using a 529 Savings Plan is signed up as an Authorized Other Payer/Parent PIN for UCSC eBill/ePay
Certain SBS Services Delayed due to Wildfires and COVID-19
UC Santa Cruz’s Mailing Services are currently delayed due to the CZU Lightning wildfires. As a result, our processing of general payments sent in the mail is delayed. In order to expedite the processing of your payment, we ask that you make your payment electronically via UCSC eBill/ePay in your MyUCSC account.
Check refunds are also likely to be delayed. Direct deposit is the fastest and easiest way to receive refunds, and we strongly suggest you sign up via your MyUCSC portal if you have not already done so. Instructions on how to do so can be found here. If you are impacted by the wildfires and are expecting a refund check, please contact our office at 831-459-2107 or sbs@ucsc.edu.
We are still experiencing limited staffing as a result of the fires. More information about campus and resource availability can be found on the UCSC Wildfire Updates Page.
Fall Quarter Billing:
Bill Available: August 28th
Bill Due: September 24th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
Limited Staffing Due to Wild Fires
Due to the Santa Cruz wildfires, Student Business Services has limited staff available. Response times may be delayed as a result.
For more information about campus and resources available, please visit the UCSC wildfires updates page
SBS Now Offering Zoom Hours
You are welcome to visit us during our scheduled zoom hours:
SBS Zoom Room Hours: Monday – Friday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
SBS Zoom Room Meeting Link: https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/
95242716681?pwd= c0xJTGVBcWE3Y05OWEhqTUZZYWwzZz 09 SBS Zoom Room Meeting ID: 952 4271 6681
SBS Zoom Passcode: 606682
SBS Zoom Room Phone#: +1-(669) 900-6833
CARES Funding for UCSC Students
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act signed into law in early April provides UC Santa Cruz with an allocation of funds to help students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The emergency financial aid grants will be advanced directly to undergraduates and graduate students with the most need for their expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child-care expenses. Students that have been identified for an award will be issued a refund through their UCSC student account.
Direct deposit is the easiest way to receive refunds. If no direct deposit information is setup on a student’s account, or the information is inaccurate, then a check will be mailed to the mailing address listed. If checks are not cashed with 90 days of the check date then funds will be resent to the permanent address listed on the student account. If there are any questions please contact SBS at sbs@ucsc.edu or Financial Aid at finaid@ucsc.edu.
Information on how to update your Direct Deposit or mailing address can be found here:
UCSC Now Accepting Credit Cards
UCSC is now accepting credit cards for payments towards your MyUCSC account via the UCSC eBill/ePay link.
COVID-19 Service Update
Due to concerns around COVID-19, starting March 18, 2020, the SBS Financial Service Center will be available to answer questions through email at sbs@ucsc.edu.
Emails should be returned within 2-3 business days (usually the same day).
All payments can be made online through our UCSC eBill/ePay site. To find out more on how to use the eBill/ePay site please see the following website for instructions on how to Pay:
For additional questions related to the Spring 2020 remote instruction please see SBS’s update page and the UCSC-COVID-19 website:
SBS Updates:
UCSC COVID-19 Updates:
COVID-19 Limited SBS Services
Due to concerns around COVID-19, starting March 11, 2020, the SBS Financial Service Center Walk in hours will be changed to 1-3pm only.
If you need assistance, the best way to reach Student Business Services is via email at sbs@ucsc.edu. Emails should be returned within 2-3 business days (usually the same day). You may also contact us via phone between 9am and 4pm (closed for lunch) at 831-459-2107.
All payments can be made online through our UCSC eBill/ePay site. To find out more on how to use the eBill/ePay site please see the following website for instructions on how to Pay:
You can also mail in payments to the following address:
SBS Financial Service Center
SANTA CRUZ, CA 95064-1077
Limited Services Due to Strike
Due to Strike activity SBS will have limited services on 3/5/2020. Phones and walk in hours will be unavailable. Email inquiries can be sent to sbs@ucsc.edu and will be answered in the order they are received.
Please check the UCSC website: https://ucsc.edu/advisory, or call the campus communications hotline: (831-459-INFO) for more detailed information about the current strike activities.
Thank you,
Student Business Services
- 1098-T Forms Available Online
The 1098-T forms for 2019 have been posted online. Forms are not mailed.
They are available here: www.tsc1098t.com
UCSC Site ID: 11562
User Name: Student ID/account number (7 digits)
Password: See Instructions
Click HERE for instructions on how to access your form, including important information on passwords.
Please go to the 1098T - Tax Information section on our SBS website for more information and answers to questions about the form.
eBills Delayed
We are experiencing technical difficulties and have not been able to post the new eBills to the UCSC eBill/ePay site. Once the eBills are posted, you will be notified as usual if you have an eBill.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Office Closed
The Campus and our office is now closed for Winter Break. Campus and our office will reopen January 2nd, 2019.
Phones will not be answered and email will not be checked during this time.
Winter Quarter Financial Aid is set to disburse to student accounts on December 28th. Refunds will be processed on December 30th, however any paper check refunds will not be mailed until our return in January.
Please, check your Student Center and review your account over Winter Break to ensure you do not miss anything important before your return.
No Bill In December
Due to the campus holiday closure, there will be no bill available in the month of December. The December bill will be available January 6th, and due on January 23rd.
Happy Christmas!
Limited Services Due To Power Outage
Due to the loss of power on campus as a result of planned outages by PG&E, Student Business Services will have limited services available from 10/25/2019 - until power is restored.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Limited Services Due To Power Outage
Due to the loss of power on campus as a result of planned outages by PG&E, Student Business Services will have limited services available from 10/10/2019 - until power is restored.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
SBS Financial Service Center is now open!
Student Business Services is excited to announce that our new 'Financial Service Center' is now open in Hahn 102!
What was formerly 'The Cashier's Office' has merged with the customer service portion of The Student Business Services Office to become the 'SBS Financial Service Center.' We will be providing the same services as before, but now under one roof!
The goal of the Financial Service Center is to have all student financial account interactions in one location. This change will better serve students by streamlining cashiering and customer service operations, in order to better serve students.
Please stop by Hahn 102 to check out our new space!
Fall Quarter Billing:
Bill Available: August 28th
Bill Due: September 19th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
- Delay in Posting Fall eBills:We are experiencing an issue with posting the Fall eBill to the UCSC eBill/ePay site.
We are working with the vendor to get this resolved as quickly as possible.
We appreciate your patience. Tuition Deferred Payment Plan
The Tuition Deferred Payment Plan application is now open for the Fall quarter. All applications must be submitted by September 13th to be considered. To learn more about the Tuition Deferred Payment Plan or submit an application click here.
SBS New Financial Service Center
The customer service portion of Student Business Services is merging with the Cashiers Office to create the SBS Financial Service Center. The new SBS Financial Service Center will be located in the Hahn Student Services Building in room 102 starting Fall 2019.
Construction on the new Service Center will begin 6/24/19 to be completed in September 2019. Find out more by visiting our Service Center Announcement Page
Tuition Deferred Payment Plan
The Tuition Deferred Payment Plan application is now open for the Spring quarter. All applications must be submitted by April 10th to be considered. To learn more about the Tuition Deferred Payment Plan or submit an application click here.
- 1098-T Forms Available Online
The 1098-T forms for 2018 have been posted online. Forms are not mailed.
They are available here: www.tsc1098t.com
Click HERE for instructions on how to access your form.
Please go to the 1098T - Tax Information section on our SBS website for more information and answers to questions about the form.
Tuition Deferred Payment Plan
The Tuition Deferred Payment Plan application is now open for the Winter quarter. All applications must be submitted by January 19th to be considered. To learn more about the Tuition Deferred Payment Plan or submit an application click here.
- ***** MyUCSC Outage*****
MyUCSC will be down from 5 PM Friday, 10/26 until 8 AM Monday, 10/29.
- The UCSC eBill/ePay link for Students, Faculty and Staff will not be available.
- Authorized other payers/Parent PINs will be able to make payments via the Other payer/CASHNet site.
October Billing
Bill Available: October26th
Bill Due: November 14th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
New 1098-T Site:
The site where 1098T forms can be obtained has changed:
The new site is: www.tsc1098t.comUsers will need to enter a Site ID. Our site ID for UCSC is 11562.The current (2017) 1098T forms are on the new site, as well as 2016 and 2015.Please click here for information regarding 1098T forms.August Billing
Bill Available: August 29th
Bill Due: September 20th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
Late fee Increase:
Beginning with the late fees assessed in September, the amount for the SBS Late Payment Fee will be increased to $22.00. For more information about late fees, please click here.
Tuition Deferred Payment Plan
The Tuition Deferred Payment Plan application is now open for the Fall. All applications must be submitted by October 8th to be considered. To learn more about the Tuition Deferred Payment Plan or submit an application click here.
July Billing
Bill Available: July 27th
Bill Due: August 14th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
June Billing
Bill Available: June 22nd
Bill Due: July 24th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
Office Closure
The Student Business Services Office will be closed after 12pm today 5/24/2018 for Staff training. We will be unavailable to answer both phone calls and emails during this time.
The Cashier's office will remain open for normal operation.
Normal hours will resume Friday 5/25/2018.
May Billing
Bill Available: May 24th
Bill Due: June 19th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
Office Closure
Both the Student Business Services and Cashier's Office's will be closed today 5/18/2018 for Staff training. We will be unavailable to answer both phone calls and emails during this time.
Normal hours will resume Monday 5/21/2018.
Possible Closure Due to Strike
Due to Strike activity, UCSC Campus may be inaccessible next week on the 7th, 8th and 9th. The Cashier's Office and Student Business Services may be closed if campus is inaccessible.
If we are able, emails sent to sbs@ucsc.edu will be answered, however our phones and walk in hours will be unavailable.
We will not know how campus will be affected until the day of the potential strike activity and will do our best to remain in service.
At this time it is recommended that everyone check the UCSC website: https://ucsc.edu/advisory, or call the campus communications hotline: (831-459-INFO) to see how campus is impacted before attempting to enter campus during these days.
Thank you,
Student Business Services
April Billing
Bill Available: April 27th
Bill Due: May 17th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
March Billing
Bill Available: March 29th
Bill Due: April 19th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
February Billing
Bill Available: February 28th
Bill Due: March 27th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
eBill Notifications Sent in Error
Please disregard any eBill notifications that were received today 2/15/18 as they were sent out in error. We apologize for any confusion that this has caused. We are working with our vendor to avoid this problem in the future.
Please feel free to contact our office with any questions or concerns.
January Billing
Bill Available: January 26th
Bill Due: February 13th
Follow this link to find the most current billing information, including our billing schedule.
1098-T Forms Available Online
1098-T forms for the year 2017 are now available online. For more information please follow this link.